Work Performance and Mental Health

The workplace can be a stressful and demanding place for anyone. Unfortunately, when people are struggling with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression, or ADHD/ADD, the workplace can be even more difficult. Below are some common ways in which psychological disorders can affect a person’s occupational performance.

  • Trouble blocking out or filtering environmental stimuli – working in a loud area or near a piece of noisy equipment may be very difficult.
  • Maintaining concentration – short attention span, fidgeting, leaving workspace, being distracted, and difficulty remembering instructions. 
  • Maintaining energy – finding the energy to complete a full day of work, fighting drowsiness.
  • Managing time pressures and multitasking– balancing assignments, prioritizing and meeting deadlines.
  • Interactions with coworkers – fitting in, talking with coworkers, reading/understanding social cues.
  • Coping with negative feedback – interpreting criticism, understanding what needs to be changed to improve, trouble changing due to low self-esteem.
  • Dealing with change – navigating unexpected changes at work, changes in protocols, job tasks, or supervisors/coworkers

It is very important that if  you or someone you know is experience work related struggles due to anxiety, adult ADHD, depression, or relationship issues, that  you seek assistance. Your career development and personal satisfaction may depend on it. A mental health professional that understands the demands of the corporate environment and can take the time to help you develop specific skills for improvement is crucial. The Silicon Valley and San Francisco are an incredible place of opportunity, but can also be a place of great pressure.

Effective Treatments for Adult ADHD Fact Sheet

The media, internet and popular cultural, are full of bad information about the treatment of adult ADHD. I have prepared an easy to read and share PDF to help you or someone you care about, find accurate information about treatments for adult ADHD.Please download this informative information sheet on the most effective treatments for adult ADHD, based on current research.

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Adult ADHD Treatment Information Sheet

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Phil Boissiere, MFT is a specialist in the treatment and assessment of ADHD / ADD in San Francisco, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, and the Silicon Valley.



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

Research shows that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is usually the most effective option for the treatment of anxiety and related disorders. This is because CBT addresses the patterns of thoughts that lead to anxious feelings and subsequent behaviors. CBT can help you discover the underlying causes of your worry and fear, develop relaxation strategies and look at situations in a new, less anxiety provoking way. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy gives you the tools to overcome anxiety that you can use for a lifetime.

There are a number of different anxiety disorders and each person is unique, so therapy should be tailored to your specific symptoms and concerns. For example, during the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, treatment will be different than the treatment for panic attacks. The length of therapy will also depend on the type and severity of your anxiety disorder. Fortunately, CBT for anxiety is usually short-term and focused. According to the American Psychological Association, many people improve significantly within 8 to 10 sessions when working with a professional that treats anxiety and related conditions.

There are many different types of therapy used to treat anxiety, but the leading approach is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Some individuals choose to explore a combination of therapy and medication management. However, this is a personal decision and is addressed on a case-by-case basis.

In San Francisco and the Silicon Valley (Menlo Park, Palo Alto, San Jose etc.) there are many mental health professionals. It is important that you find a specialist in the treatment of anxiety that utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and can connect you with additional resources, such as a medical doctor, if needed.

During your first visits, your therapist or other mental health professional should be assessing for the presence of other disorders that may be contributing or exacerbating your anxiety, such as ADHD. Anxiety, depression, and adult ADHD,  can severely impact an individuals work performance and relationships.