Overcoming Adult ADHD with Positive Visualization

One very important technique for overcoming adult ADHD is Positive Visualization. For adults with ADHD years of negative outcomes and self-defeating thoughts build up to become giant roadblocks that lead to procrastination. When people with ADHD are confronted with negative or overwhelming thoughts about a project or task, it causes all other stimulus in the environment to become very distracting and even enticing. Often, people will find themselves doing things that they like even less than the task they need to be doing. For example, doing dishes or cleaning the bathroom, rather than sending a quick email to their boss.

One way to begin overcoming this, is to integrate Positive Visualization at the beginning or at the scheduled time to work on a given task or project. Positive Visualization involves thinking about the rewards that will come from completing the task. These may be things like material success, praise from others, or even intrinsic factors like the feeling of accomplishment. By doing this, it tends to excite the brain and bolster the production of dopamine,  making it more likely that you will engage and complete the task.

This is just a brief overview of a very powerful tool for managing procrastination. There are more complex techniques to practice with this and bring about real change in your life. However, by starting with this very simple application, you will likely start to find some success.

Lisa Ling Diagnosed with ADHD

The journalist Lisa Ling has been diagnosed with ADHD. Lisa was working on a story showcasing the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD and found that she met many of the typical symptoms of ADHD. Upon proper assessment, it turned out she does have adult ADHD. Her willingness to be open about her recent diagnosis is important for many reasons. First, she is 40 years old, which showcases how an adult can go undiagnosed until well into their career. Second, she is successful, which shows that ADHD does not necessarily dominate an individuals life. Like any disorder, the severity can very. Third, Lisa Ling is a woman, which is important for increasing the awareness that ADHD effects women also.

Lisa Ling found that unless she was working and actively engaged in interesting pursuits, she would struggle. This is often the case for many adults. Escaping into work or other stimulating behaviors to manage untreated adult ADHD. Hopefully Lisa’s story will inspire and empower others to take charge of their adult ADHD.


ADD, ADHD, or AD/HD, Which is it and Why So Many Names?

When looking for information related to Adult ADHD, one will quickly find considerable information using terms such as ADD, ADHD, or even AD/HD. This creates a lot of confusion about the correct terminology and name of the disorder. The correct name is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There are three subtypes of ADHD, primarily inattentive type, primarily hyperactive type, or combined type. Even using the term “Adult ADHD” is a bit misleading as it is not an actual disorder name, but more of a casual classification to highlight adults with the disorder.

One reason that there is so much use of incorrect terms like “ADD” by prominent people, is that the disorder is actually poorly named to begin with. Anyone dealing with ADHD as an adult or a child will tell you that it is much more than having trouble focusing. The core neurological issue behind ADHD is an under functioning of the Prefrontal Cortex, mainly an underproduction of the neurotransmitter Dopamine. This leads to trouble with stimulus selection (i.e. focusing one’s attention) and/or trouble selecting responses to stimuli (i.e. behaviors). When someone’s Prefrontal Cortex is functioning properly they are able to create a very important “pause” that allows them to have a choice in what to focus on and how to respond. Further compounding these issues are the social and psychological stressors that accompany repeated failures to perform. These stressors (i.e. problems with friends/family, occupational struggles, etc.) lead to engrained emotional responses and thought patterns that foster shame, guilt, and lack of confidence. When anyone (with ADHD or not) is feeling shameful and lacking self confidence, they are less apt to perform well in social and occupational settings.

If we are going to move the field of treating adults with ADHD forward, we may want to think about broadening the scope of the name of the disorder. Something that incorporates terms like executive functioning, stimulus selection, motivation, or performance, may help. However, we are very far away from the DSM team coming up with a fresh new name for this disorder. Until then, we must expect/demand that leaders in the field use the correct terminology. For example, Daniel Amen’s new product is called Healing ADD at Home in 30 Days. There are a multitude of problems with this title, from the fact that he uses the term ADD to making a claim that it can be “healed” in 30 days. ADHD is life long disorder that when treated appropriately can be managed tremendously well. However, saying things like “healed” can create false expectations that ultimately lead to unattainable goals.

There are no examples of someone telling a diabetic that they have a “sugar problem” and that they can “get over it” in a few weeks. Adults and children with ADHD deserve the same level of respect when talking about their disorder.


Phil Boissiere, MFT specializes in the treatment of ADHD in adults and couples in San Francisco, Menlo Park, and the Silicon Valley. He is available for interviews and article contributions on the topics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Adult ADHD, Group Psychotherapy, or Teen Drug Prevention.

CBT and Adult ADHD

There are a multitude of treatment approaches for adult ADHD. However, research has shown that a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Skills Training is most effective in the treatment of adult ADHD. It is important to note that ADHD is caused by an under stimulated portion of the brain, that in-turn leads to an underproduction of Dopamine. In order to adequately address this under stimulation, most adults with ADHD will need to explore medication with a trained psychiatrist.

When stimulant medication, CBT, and Skills Training are combined to address adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, people tend to have the best results. San Francisco and the Silicon Valley at large (Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Cupertino, Sunnyvale etc.) are full of people trying to reach optimal productivity and success. Unfortunately, the majority of psychologists, psychotherapists, and even medical doctors do not have this same dedication to productivity and results. In fact most do not adhere to effective treatments, backed by research when treating ADHD in adults. This can lead to tremendous frustration as life seems to continue to pass people by while in treatment.

I partner with only a handful of psychiatrists who have the knowledge, experience, and careful approach needed to work with ADHD. When a psychotherapist partners closely with a patients doctor, the results tend to be achieved more quickly and tend to last.

I welcome your questions and about adult ADHD and if I cannot meet with you due to scheduling etc., I will work to help you find an ADHD specialist in the San Francisco Bay Area to meet your needs.

Effective Treatments for Adult ADHD Fact Sheet

The media, internet and popular cultural, are full of bad information about the treatment of adult ADHD. I have prepared an easy to read and share PDF to help you or someone you care about, find accurate information about treatments for adult ADHD.Please download this informative information sheet on the most effective treatments for adult ADHD, based on current research.

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Adult ADHD Treatment Information Sheet

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Phil Boissiere, MFT is a specialist in the treatment and assessment of ADHD / ADD in San Francisco, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, and the Silicon Valley.